Yesterday was a warmish day for November in Maine…that's where we live…mid-coast Maine. I was born way up in the north woods of NH, but Maine is nice, too. Anyway, as I was saying, it was warmish and we were walking over on the private road in Rockport when all of a sudden, my hero, Woodrow, stood up on his hind legs and started taking huge bites out of a tree. We all ran over to see what was up. We all knew there was something really fun living in that tree. Well, all of us knew except Lucky, who is still in the kindergarten stage of these things, like I was last year.Turns out there was a mouse living in the tree. My friend, Alberto took a picture of him that you will see in this album. You will also see a picture of me in my "time-out" muzzle. I often have to wear it when Charlie is around. Remember him? He is the little Westie with whom I sometimes play a little too rough, according to Pat. She says I could hurt Charlie by mistake. The muzzle is embarrassing.
PS. if anyone would like to be notified when I put out a journal, let me know( and I will ask Pat to add you to her list.