Lindy's Journal

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March 19, 2017

Here we are again at Laite Beach, a little over a year later. …

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February 25, 2016

Lucky and I had given up on getting a walk today. We had been …


February 7, 2016

Three and a half months since I have published a journal here. …

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Today we went to Harkness Preserve for the first time in I can’t …

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My brother Lucky Duck had an awesome time playing with Francesca …



Yesterday we went to Clark Island to visit our friend, Helga …



We went to the Rockport Marine Park today. It sure looks different …

March 19, 2017

Here we are again at Laite Beach, a little over a year later. Sorry I haven’t blogged for so long but my life with Lucky and Percee and Pat just isn’t all that interesting, especially in Winter. We walk pretty much every day but usually at the same place. A golf course and then a trail through the woods to a horse trough. I have published pictures in the past. Today wasn’t really a beach day but at least there was no snow and ice. I am really tired of that stuff. It was fun to explore the beach and run on the sand. Lucky was stealing most of the time and he went into the ocean. He will never grow up.

Sorry a couple of photos are sideways. Some kind of hiccup with program today.Tried everything I could.

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February 25, 2016

Lucky and I had given up on getting a walk today. We had been to town with Pat to do errands but it was raining so we just sat in the car. That is fun, too. We enjoy people watching, especially if they have dogs with them. But then, a couple of hours later, after we were all settled at home, we got a big surprise. Another ride and this time to Laite Beach. The sun was out and the air was warm and we ran and ran. In some of the pictures we have on muzzles. That’s because if there are any small dogs around, sometimes we think they are squeaky toys and we(mostly me, but Lucky does it, too, if I do it) nip their butts so they will squeak and run and we can chase them.So anywhere we go that there is a chance of running into small dogs, and we are off leash we have to wear those dumb things. They are big and loose and don’t hurt but Lucky and I both hate them.Maybe some day, we won’t tease small dogs anymore. We love the beach, muzzles or no muzzles.

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February 7, 2016

Three and a half months since I have published a journal here. I am not the lazy one, so it must be Pat and Lucky’s fault. I keep telling them that my adoring readership is missing me. Pat just smiles and nods; Lucky gives his usual look, which is something of a cross between a huh and a duh…a duh-huh. His trademark. Anyway, much to Lucky's and my delight and Pat’s, some other emotion, it has finally snowed enough so that our usual walk over at Megunticook Golf Course near Beauchamp Pt is WAY more fun.Pat says it’s beautiful. To me it just feels fantastic. Yesterday, though, I got big blobs of snow up and down my legs and on my foot pads, even though they had some waxy stuff on them. Today we got sprayed with something called Pam. It smelled like I could eat it, but I was too busy. It worked better than the wax.                                         Sometimes Lucky gets distracted from what we are doing and goes kind of haywire Often it’s the leaves; today it was pieces of snow falling from trees and  just the sun sparkling from place to place. He runs and runs and stops and stares. It used to drive me nuts but now I have just learned to love him for who he is; my goofy brother.



Today we went to Harkness Preserve for the first time in I can’t remember how long. There is no beach there but it’s all woodsy and lots of fun because of all the nice animal smells. I used to do that trail without leash before Lucky came to live with us but he doesn’t have a reliable recall. In other words if he was chasing something, he might not listen and come back when he was called. Then he would probably get lost. I have a very reliable recall. We were pretty good on the leashes and it was a good time regardless.I wonder if Lucky will ever mature.

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My brother Lucky Duck had an awesome time playing with Francesca at Sea Glass Beach this afternoon while I stayed in the car. Pat put me back in the car  because I ran after Francesca and tried to nip her little butt and make her squeak.I do that with almost all small dogs. Lucky joins in if he sees me doing it but he doesn’t do it on his own. I can’t seem to make myself not do it and nothing Pat says or does makes me stop either, so I miss out on the fun. Do you suppose there are 12 step groups for butt biters? If you hear of any call Pat and tell her so she can take me. I have reached my own bottom(for a change) and I am ready.

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Yesterday we went to Clark Island to visit our friend, Helga and her two special cats,Loki and Mushy(ee). Pat got to visit the cats, we didn’t.But we had a fun time on the beach. We aren’t allowed to walk on the woodsy part of the island, at this time of year, because there are too many ticks.But the beach was great.Helga walked with us and looked for fossils. We hadn’t been anywhere special for a long time. We looked gorgeous for the outing because we went to the groomer last Saturday.



We went to the Rockport Marine Park today. It sure looks different there than in the summer or even other winters we have been there. Ice was all over the beach and even in the ocean. We saw birds walking on it. Lucky was crying, (so what’s new) because he wanted to go after them. I will always be smarter than he is. I’m pretty sure of that now. But I love him and he adores me. So we are good.



It has been almost 2 months since I have published one of my journals. Did you wonder what happened to us? Nothing except the Maine winter. It seems like our days turn into half days and we are all a little lazier than usual. But that doesn’t mean that we don’t go walking. Actually our walks at PBMC have turned into quite an adventure recently. That big snowstorm we had that brought so many trees down made a real mess out of one of the trails.Pat had to bring her clippers with us a couple of days and we had to wait like good poodles while she cut down some stuff so we could get through. One day a big thorny thing grabbed hold of me and I was pretty scared. That sort of thing never seems to happen to Lucky. Why me? Here’s a couple of pictures Pat took of us today. We are a little bit rag-tag but Pat says we are still cute. Click on a picture to make it larger if you want.


Lucky and I have been going for walks most days. Nothing very exciting,but we enjoy our walks at PenBay. Saturday I got to meet my friends, Calimero and Ruby at the Megunticook Golf course and play with them for awhile. Lucky had to stay in the car and cry because when he goes to the Golf Course he acts like a goober. We have tons of fun even in our own yard as you can see if you watch the short movie below.

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We went to Ferry Beach again today. It was a miracle that we actually made it because Lucky started his happy screech as soon as he thought he had a clue where we were headed. Sometimes when he does that we end up driving right by and not stopping. I’m not sure, but I think the idea is to try to teach him not to do that screeching. It doesn’t work. 

It was nice there today. Maybe a little warm for us but we didn’t mind. We walked longer than last week. I can tell that it is more challenging for Pat to walk on the rocks than it used to be…something about her feet…so I stick really close to her now in case she needs me. Lucky doesn’t, although he was pretty good for almost the whole walk and then he caught sight of a butterfly in someone’s yard. After that, Pat and I did not exist for him anymore and Pat had to leash him. He’s a nut but he’s my brother.
